
Showing posts from January, 2014

Linux Game Awards: PotM March 2014 VOTE NOW!

It's time for another installment of the somewhat bi-monthly Linux Game Awards: The list of nominees is again quite interesting, so choose your favorite. This months winner was 0 A.D. by the way... I guess we need to increase the promotion efforts a bit in case you weren't aware...

Preparing for a crowd-funding: Torque3D MIT Multi-platform

I mentioned the nice developments on the Torque3D OpenGL and Linux ports a few weeks back , and now it seems like it is getting even more serious: Planned platforms of Torque3D Now don't spill your beer just yet, as this is just the proposal the developer makes for a crowd-funding building up on his great previous Linux/OpenGL work. One of the first (hopefully soon to be) FOSS games that could benefit from this, is the currently also looking for crowd-funding RoTC abstract FPS . Only 9 days left, but they made another good increase in the last couple of days, so it is still possible to reach their goal of $1500. In fact the older (mostly closed source) version was also recently updated and you can try it on some new servers. The (more or less friendly) fork GREED tech MIT that aims to make a full FPS development kit out of Torque3D also seems to make some interesting progress , so it looks quite bright development wise for now :)

The Sky of Verdun 3D - dogfight in HTML5

Came across this seemingly fun little game over here , too bad I don't have a Occulus Rift (yet): Check their page for the Win32 and browser server/client download.

Code Combat: Open Source Javascript Tutorial Gamification (In A Good Way)

Image Code Combat is a javascript programming learning IDE wrapped in a delicious cute RPG/2D RTS packaging that runs in the browser without any plugins. They recently announced their open source/free art release. The current set of Code Combat tutorials starts with directional movement and activation of pre-programmed behavior, continues with coordinate movement and targeting and conditional behavior and continues towards prediction calculations. Editor GUI There is an editor, officially described as "broken". I can confirm that the text editor was slow when I tried using it. :) All in all, a very exciting project. I have noticed a few possible drawbacks so far: It's not yet clear which parts will not remain proprietary. It looks like the excellent humor (writing) unfortunately will do so ( legal page ). The music tends to be too exciting to code to. There's a CLA requirement for contributing. What do you th

UCL Student Game Design Competition

Calling all student game designers!!! Do you believe that games can be more than just a bit of fun? Is designing games your thing? Do you think games can contribute to the understanding of science? If this sounds like you, we’d love to see you at the Persuasive Games Competition !  The CHI+MED project ( which involves researchers from Queen Mary University, City University, Swansea University and UCL) is inviting teams of students to design a game that will be made freely available on . Prizes will be awarded at the final showcase, including £1000 for first place, £500 for runner up and £500 for the people’s choice. Get started by registering here for our kick-off event, which will be taking place at UCL on Feb 1st 2014. The event is only open to students (at any level of higher education, from any institution, and in any area) so student ID will be required. At least one member of each team must have attended the kick-off to take part in the competition. Please check

Happy new year & Congrats to the LGA January 2014 winner!

Hello 2014 and happy new year to everyone! One of the new things for this year will be the regular Linux Game Awards done by various Linux and FOSS gaming site (and which has been spearheaded by the great LGDB ). And the first winner is: The votes have been quite clear, but our friends from SuperTuxKart got a very respectable 2nd place: You can expect some further promotional news coming up this month for 0 A.D. so stay tuned :)